:: RDH Blog ::

2002-???? Weblog of RDH, aka Jaegan, aka me
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Opinions on this site are solely mine. If you don't like them, then go away.

:: 20020111 ::

Apple - Myths This ones for all my Windows using friends. Read and be enlightened. Those of you who use various forms of *nix,, well, Mac OS X is based on a flavor of BSD. Come on over and give it a whirl. You might like it.

Note that I am not going to tell you Mac OS X is perfect, but I do think that it's better than Windows (any flavor) for what most people want to do. But that could just be my bias showing. Try it for yourself. (Hint, go to a CompUSA (or better yet, an Apple store since the machines are more certain to be kept up there. (CompUSA's tend to let people do _bad things_ to display machines, but the one in Lexington had a pretty good display last time I was there.)

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