:: RDH Blog ::2002-???? Weblog of RDH, aka Jaegan, aka me | ||||||||||||||
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:: 20020310 :: Slashdot | Tiqit Handheld PCSince my handheld recently died, I found this interesting. Probably not interesting enough to buy one though. I'm probably going to go buy another Visor from Walmart tomorrow.
Mice revolution. New cordless mouse. And for the slickest mouse replacement i've seen to date: The FinRing. Check it out. :: 20020307 :: This is been a rather irritating week. First, my job went from reasonably nice to annoying idiocy with the thoroughly ill-conceived management decision to disallow books, laptops, etc. For those of you not familiar with my current drudgery (which last week I would have referred to in much nicer terms) I'm a Police Dispatcher in a small town. There are frequently times when absolutely nothing is going on. Now the only thing we have left to alleviate the boredom is television. I do not particularly like television. :: 20020303 :: The Matrix Chracter Test I rather like these things. btw, according to them, I'm Neo. ? "There is no spoon..." :: 20020302 :: Have iPod, Will Secretly BootlegHahahahahahahaha. Reason 362 in the "Why Macs are superior for users" I love it. Of course, I'm not advocating software piracy.
Well, after finally getting fed up with being so far in debt, I just finished physically cutting up my credit cards... all of them.