:: RDH Blog ::

2002-???? Weblog of RDH, aka Jaegan, aka me
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Opinions on this site are solely mine. If you don't like them, then go away.

:: 20041128 ::

Got a LiveJournal...


Don't expect I'll use it anymore than I do this.

:: 20041105 ::

The haxor handle of Russell D Humphress is "Skel3t0n H3retic".

What's yours? Enter your name:

I'm sure it'd polish nice...

9 1/2 inches, hazel and dragon heartstring. This is
a wand of wisdom and practicality. No nonsense
approach to life, logical, reasonable. But also
a rather uncreative Ollivander wand--looks like
you are going to have problems making u...um...
doing your Divination assignments!

Which wand will yours be?
brought to you by Quizilla

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